Credit Repair Services
Ready To Turn Your Life Around?
If your credit report contains late payments, unpaid accounts, derogatory credit history, judgments or liens, it may hurt your ability to obtain financing. A low credit score can cost you a mortgage, a credit card, car financing, or even an employment opportunity. Turn your life around – Call us now!
Fed up with bad credit and high interest rates?
At the Law Offices of Jonathan Kline, P.A., we are experienced and proficient in credit repair and helping individuals get back on their feet. If your low credit score is affecting your life, it is time to take action ! We may be able to increase your credit score.
The range of a credit score runs from 300 to 850 and you can generally assume the following categories & scores:
- Excellent Credit : 781- 850
- Good Credit: 661- 780
- Fair Credit: 601- 660
- Poor Credit: 501- 600
- Bad Credit: Below 500
Are you are ready to regain control of your finances?