When you face the possibility of foreclosure, you should consider retaining an attorney and explore the different types of foreclosure defense options you may have in order to save your home. One such option is writing a hardship letter. This letter is addressed to the lender and it explains a clear picture of your current situation, including what…
If you are facing the loss of your home due to foreclosure, you likely have more questions than answers. The good news is that there are plenty of people who will offer you answers about your foreclosure defense options. Unfortunately, this is also the bad news. Many of the people offering you solutions to your problems are in…
If you have fallen behind on your personal or business mortgage, it can be both scary and frustrating to receive default notices and foreclosure warnings from your lender, especially if you don’t have the means to bring the loan back to a “current” status. You may be tempted to ignore the notices and phone calls,…
If you have been having trouble making your house payments and are facing a foreclosure, you might fear that you can’t afford to hire an attorney to help you with your foreclosure defense. If you had a lot of extra money lying around, you probably would have made your house payments, right? However, it is important…
If you, like many Americans, are in danger of losing your home, and are considering hiring an attorney, be aware that there are a few strategic bits of information that your attorney needs to know about. By properly gathering and organizing the facts of the events that are contributing to your current circumstances, you may…
A foreclosure is one of the worst things that can happen to your family. Losing a home is an extremely emotional process, and most people feel that they have no possible defense when the bank tries to foreclose on their home. Fortunately, there are options if you are facing a foreclosure. Here are some steps you can…